May 9, 2011

“Create” time

The last few posts have been about time management, a crucial element in the writing life. I want to add one more thought about managing your precious writing time.

When you schedule time to write and that time actually comes to fruition, make sure you use it to create.

When you have time to yourself, uninterrupted, quiet, like a blank canvas before you—create.

Resist the urge to check social media, to answer emails, to handle administrative details related to your writing. Don’t even use it to plan future writing projects.

Write, type, string words together in a creative way that gets your point across. Your canvas is blank, but aim to fill it up in these precious moments. Create a masterpiece, not a stick figure.

When the gift of writing time is granted, treat is as a sacred trust. 

Use the moments well.





Bethany LaShell said...

Excellent reminders, as always!

Linda said...

I just stumbled across your blog and like what I see. Thanks for your inspiration. I look forward to following you and your blog.


Shanda said...

Great advice. I actually have to resort to pen and paper as when I am on the computor, the temptation to turn to the social media is too strong.
Look forward to reading more of your 'encouraging words'

Anonymous said...

My summer is about to go into full swing and I still haven't started editing my short story I wanted to send off for publication nor have I started writing the book I've had in my head for over three years now.

I was thinking about this today, and how I need to create time to start writing. One of my friends from high school actually tweeted me the other day asking when I was going to be done with my book. It made me realize how lazy I've been and that I need to pick things up so as not to feel like I've wasted yet another summer where I could've gotten a lot done on my story.
